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Read Weight Loss Articles And The Latest Information On Dieting. Fast weight loss tips, find quick weight loss programs. Ways for teens to quick weight loss, safe weight loss surgery guide.loss weight,weight loss,lose weight,diet loss fat,dieting,nutrition,loss fat,loss weight,Read Weight Loss Articles And The Latest Information On Dieting. Fast weight loss tips, find quick weight loss programs. Ways for teens to quick weight loss, safe weight loss surgery guide, lose weight,Weight Loss,Weight lose,Weight LossRead Weight Loss Articles And The Latest Information On Dieting. Fast weight loss tips, find quick weight loss programs. Ways for teens to quick weight loss, safe weight loss surgery guide.loss weight,weight loss,lose weight,diet loss fat,dieting,nutrition,loss fat,loss weight,Read Weight Loss Articles And The Latest Information On Dieting. Fast weight loss tips, find quick weight loss programs. Ways for teens to quick weight loss, safe weight loss surgery guide, lose weight,Weight Loss,Weight lose,Weight LossRead Weight Loss Articles And The Latest Information On Dieting. Fast weight loss tips, find quick weight loss programs. Ways for teens to quick weight loss, safe weight loss surgery guide.loss weight,weight loss,lose weight,diet loss fat,dieting,nutrition,loss fat,loss weight,Read Weight Loss Articles And The Latest Information On Dieting. Fast weight loss tips, find quick weight loss programs. Ways for teens to quick weight loss, safe weight loss surgery guide, lose weight,Weight Loss,Weight lose,Weight LossRead Weight Loss Articles And The Latest Information On Dieting. Fast weight loss tips, find quick weight loss programs. Ways for teens to quick weight loss, safe weight loss surgery guide.loss weight,weight loss,lose weight,diet loss fat,dieting,nutrition,loss fat,loss weight,Read Weight Loss Articles And The Latest Information On Dieting. Fast weight loss tips, find quick weight loss programs. Ways for teens to quick weight loss, safe weight loss surgery guide, lose weight,Weight Loss,Weight lose,Weight Loss

Other hot informations

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Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Weight Loss: Dangers of Using Laxatives For Weight Loss

One popular weight loss supplements available in the market today take the form of tea. Stores all over sell slimming tea, dieter's tea and others but all of them are actually the same. They may appear to be effective, but what is not seen may actually harm you.One of the effects of drinking dieter's tea is frequent bowel movement. This gives people the feeling of body cleansing. These people may get toxins out of their body but it isn't exactly the only thing that slimming tea actually does to the body. Slimming tea contains herbs which are natural laxatives. These include aloe, senna, rhubarb root, cascara, buckthorn and castor oil. These are products which are derived from plants and are used since the ancient times because of their potency in treating constipation and to inducing bowel movement.

Cascara, castor oil and senna are substances which are recognized as laxatives available over the counter and are also regulated as drugs. Scientific studies show that diarrhea induced by laxatives does not absorb significant amounts of calories taken in the body. The reason for this is that laxatives do not act on the small intesines where most of the calories are absorbed. Instead, they work on the large intestines. If taken in large amounts for prolonged periods, it can affect fat absorption of the body. This may lead to greasy diarrhea and loss of weight. Abuse of laxatives is common practice among people who suffer from bulimia and anorexia nervosa. While weight loss can be guaranteed by overdosing on laxatives, it may also cause permanent damage to the gastrointesitinal tract and the weakening and softening of the bones, a condition known as osteomalacia. Drinkers of slimming teas may actually patronize the product because they are less axpensive and taste better than other laxatives sold in the market.

Other people, such as those with eating disorders like bulimia and anorexia nervosa drink dieter's tea because they work fast and produce watery stool and having loose consistency.Women may even be more susceptible to the effects of slimming teas. Although they may are not known to interfer directly with the woman's menstrual cycle and fertility, they should watch out if drinking them causes them to rapidly shed off weight. It is also not safe for pregnant women to be taking in laxatives of any kind. Wise and reponsible herbalists also discourage the use of senna and other herbal products with laxative properties for pregnant women and women who are trying to conceive.

One should be wary about these findings because the labeling of slimming teas in the market today can be absolutely misleading. For instance, they commonly refer to the laxative qualities as "natural bowel cleansing properties" and not specifically use the word "laxative".Some even use the term "low-calorie" on their labelling.

These products in fact, contain essentially no calories nor nutrients whatsoever; unless of course, if they are sweetened.Adverse effects of misusing laxatives in the form of slimming tea generally occur when taken in more than or longer than recommended. These include nausea, stomach cramps, vomiting, diarrhea, fainting, rectal bleeding,electrolyte disorder and dehydration as well as injury and worseArticle Search, death. It was also reported that excess use of stimulant laxatives cause severe constipation and pain for long periods (as much as for decades) due to the colon losing its function. It eventually led to surgery removing the colon.

The Facts About Weight Loss Without Exercise

Of all the articles and ads about weight loss and weight loss products, you will notice that many of them seem to be saying that weight loss without exercise is what they have to offer. They will tell you about some diet pill, or perhaps a diet, which is going to take the weight off without you lifting a finger...other than to unscrew the cap.

So here's the question: Can somone really lose weight simply by adjusting their diet? So many people feel that they do not have the time to exercise, or feel they lack the energy to exercise, or just plain don't want to. It would be great if all they had to do was take some pill or eat some specific diet and the weight would go away, right?

Now, my problem is that when I think of, or advise someone on, weight loss, I automatically throw in adjectives like "healthy" and "permanent". I'm not really in touch with the concept of using a diet to lose a few pounds to get back into last year's clothes or to look good at the high school reunion. I tend to think of losing weight as a step to the point where you achieve your weight loss goal and enter the realm of weight management. At this point, you are living a healthy lifestyle of combined physical activity and proper nutrition and are able to enjoy life to the max...for a good many years to come!

"Yeah, Don, that's great, but I'm one of the first group of people you talked about. I just want to lose weight and don't want to mess with exercise. Heck, man, I'm so overweight and pooped all the time that just thinking about exercise scares me. Just tell me what diet pill to take or diet to follow so that I can get my weight down, look good, feel good about myself, and enjoy life like you say!"

Well, there are people who want to be rich but who don't want to "mess with" saving, or making wise purchasing decisions, or working hard, either. Whatever we really want in life usually has some sort of price tag attached, and, as the saying goes, we usually, "get what we paid for".

To throw in another old saying, anything worth doing is worth doing well.

To get back to the weight loss without exercise issue, let's look at a couple of facts.

1. Diets do not work as far as permanent or healthy weight loss is concerned.

2. Permanent, healthy weight loss is commonly achieved through a combination of exercise and proper nutrition.

3. While there are diet products and supplements which can enhance the effects of any weight loss program, they very seldom do the trick by themselves for most people.

Let's start with that last one.

Start by reading the labels or advertising literature of most diet pills and other weight loss supplements. Somewhere you will usually find a statement that will say something like "when used with regular exercise and a sensible nutrition program". To put it another way, maybe taking that diet pill or supplement will HELP with weight loss IF it is taken in conjunction with some other weight loss program.

At the moment, the Alli diet and fat loss pill, is the only federally apporved weight loss pill. The manufacturers of even this "successful" weight loss product let you know that you should be doing taking additional steps to experience effective weight loss. Testing of that pill, one of the most effective available, show that weight loss with the pill alone will be minimal unless it is used with a program of regular exercise and proper nutrition.

Let's face it. If there WAS one diet pill that you could take and then sit around watching TV, eating ice cream, and drinking beer...AND still lose weight and be healthy, there would not be so many different diet pills claiming to do the trick!

Okay, I started with the last fact, so let's jump around and deal with the first fact next.

Diets per se do not work for permanent, healthy weight loss.

When you suddenly decrease the calories you regularly have been feeding your body, it senses a starvation situation (built in survival trait) and lowers its basic metabolic rate. In other words, it adjusts itself to function with fewer calories. This could be a good deal except for one problem. When you go back to your old eating habits, eating the same amount of calories will store more fat on your body than it used to.

This is the reason that going on and off diets is very likely to cause weight gain, rather than weight loss! It's called yo-yo dieting.

Also, an extreme reduction in nutriton also means an accompanying extreme reduction in vitamins, minerals, protein, carbohydrates, fats (needed for life), phytonutrients, and other nutritional factors normally required for health, energy, and long life. You can lose wieght but in the process endanger health and lower the energy available to live life with joy.

Just to throw in another monkey wrench, once your body has adapted to its new diet and adjusted its basic metaolism, the weight loss will cease. This will usually occur after only a few pounds of fat have been lost. To lose still more weight, you will again need to decrease your food intake even more, or perhaps decide it's not worth it and take a look at the second fact I listed.

Test after test and study after study has demonstrated beyond a doubt that the most effective weight loss program is one that includes regular, moderate exercise and healthy eating and living habits. The exercise does NOT have to be extreme, although overall results will usually be directly related to the amount of effort expended.

Most of us are NOT going to wind up looking like Arnold Schwarzenegger or Cory Everson unless we exercise and eat like they do!

However; regular, moderate exercise can burn calories and build lean muscle tissue which will continue to use up excess calories and burn fat even when we are not exercising. It will raise energy levels, make daily life easier, help elevate mood and fight depression, and will help protect us against a host of degenerative diseases. It has been shown to delay and mitigate the effects of aging, and has been shown a potent protector against many conditions including heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis, and many forms of cancer.

Healthy eating does not necessarily mean "dieting". Healthy eating involves such things as proper selection of foods, paying attention to portion sizes, and changing a few eating habits...including that great American pastime...snacking!

I used the term "healthy eating and living" because such things as getting the proper amount of sleep, having fun, and having friends can also contribute to health in general and weight loss in particular.

Is weight loss without exercise possible?

Sure! Millions of people throughout history have gotten very thin before they starved to death!

Millions more have simply combined exercise with healthy eating and living habits to experience permanent, healthy weight loss and have enjoyed a long and happy life as a result.

Your choice?

Donovan Baldwin is a central Texas writer. He is also a University of West Florida alumnus, a member of Mensa, and is retired from the U. S. Army after 21 years of service. His interests include nature, the environment, health, fitness, yoga, and weight loss. He often posts articles on health and weight loss at http://nodiet4me.com/articledirectory/

Giving up on weight loss? Think again

Are you one of those who have lost hope in weight loss? You think you can’t do it for nuts. You think you have tried it all and it’s of no use? Think again! Most of you might have reduced weight only to gain more, or some of you might be frustrated on the slow pace of weight loss or few might simply hate the kind of diet they are following. Whatever may be the reason, weight loss is not such a horrendous or a tough task. Getting that into your head will prepare you psychologically for weight reduction. It will look a lot easier. So what is the secret of those who have successfully reduced weight?
1. Study pattern shows that they pursue aerobics. They practice an aerobic session 5-7 days a week. These people average about 45 minutes of aerobics everyday with their ranges spreading over 30-90 minutes. Aerobics helps you burn a lot of calories. It also increases your BMR- basal metabolic rate.
2. Weight training programs help you to tone your muscles. This is also another successful method followed by the successful group. They weight train for 2-3 days a week. Those who follow this are more successful at weight loss.
3. Workouts in the morning help tremendously in preparing your body for the rest of the day. You end up feeling great. Consistent morning exercises on a day to day basis puts in place your food habits. You tend to feel less hunger and hence eat the right food. This regulates your metabolic system and it works the way it should and helps you get into a healthy mind frame. Natural weight loss is the best way to reduce weight as in merges well with the body and helps in the long run. Crash diets won’t help. It is better to stick on to healthy food consisting of your favorites to make it tastier. Avoid junk food.
4. People often misunderstand the concept. 20 minutes of exercise every day won’t help if you are looking for serious weight loss. You have to work out vigorously to make changes. If it’s your priority go ahead and do it. You will definitely feel a change in yourself soon. 20 minutes every day can’t change your metabolic rate effectively, drastically reduce your weight, and make you feel great.
5. It is practically impossible to work out consistently for an hour. Make time, wake up early in the morning, make it a routine, fix your targets, and be sincere. And when you end up reducing weight, it is important to maintain it, or you will end up putting on more weight. Stick to your regime, you can probably ease out a bit but not too much. If you are looking for a serious change, then you will have to follow a serious plan. Weight loss tips can only guideFree Reprint Articles, you are the only one who can make it work. So go ahead and make the difference.

Gary Grewal is the founder of the site http://www.101weightloss.com/; A site featuring many articles on weight loss subjects such as eating habits, exercise, foods & nutrition, diets, pills etc. Visit his site for many more tips on natural weight loss.

Vitamins to aid in weight loss

When you think about weight loss, you will tend to consider only about an exercise program to burn your fats away or the tasteless and raw foods that you plan to eat. You might also have considered buying the diet drug that you saw at the pharmacy. However, did it ever come across your mind that vitamins might help in weight loss?

Our body requires vitamins and it can be easily obtained from the foods we eat or dietary supplements. Vitamins are very important and there is absolutely no way a person can sustain his life without the presence of necessary vitamins.

Believe it or not, there are vitamins that aids in weight loss. They are mainly vitamin B2, B3, B5, B6, vitamin B complex and vitamin C. These B vitamins help to convert carbs into glucose, after which they are burned to produce energy for the body. With this in mind, you are encouraged to consume foods, which consist of these highly beneficial vitamins. Each of these vitamins has different functions.

Just to name a few:

Vitamin B2 or also known as Riboflavin is highly required for increased metabolism. You are encouraged to consume more hard cheese, milk and almonds for a healthy intake of Vitamin B2. Next is the B3 vitamin. This vitamin is necessary for normal thyroid hormone production. Leafy green vegetables and eggs are a good source of this vitamin. You can also choose to include wheat bran, meat and salmon. Vitamin B5 is necessary for the production of energy. Good sources of B5 include liver, poultry, nuts and whole grain bread.

It is best that you consult the doctor or your dietitian if you are unsure as to what to include in you meal to ensure sufficient intake of these weight loss vitamins.

Other than natural vitamins that can be found in the food we eat, you can choose to have an extra dose of vitamin through the needles. Vitamin B12 injections are a usual sight at weight loss clinics. The B12 works by boosting your metabolism. As such, this would cause you to digest food faster and burn more calories just by sitting there! With more calories burnt, you will store lesser calories as fat.

At the same time, B12 is energy giving and hence it gives you an energy boost. Most people do not exercise because they are just plain tired after a long day at work. So, with the extra energy, you will feel more energetic and you can afford to exercise more!

You can also choose to take vitamin pills, but remember, vitamin pills are not energy pills! They do not carry any energetic value so remember not to substitute the necessary intake of carbsFind Article, fats or carbohydrates with just vitamin pills!

Choosing Supplements for your Diet can be a confusing journey when you embark on your weight loss journey. Click Here to download your free ‘1 Month Diet Plan’ book and start losing weight today.

You Don't Have To Regain Weight-Top 10 To Avoid

It is possible to regain weight after having weight loss surgery. After you've achieved your weight loss, many post-operative patients think they are done and slip back to old habits. Whether you lose weight through weight loss surgery, work with a weight loss coach or do it on your own, you can regain lost weight. A new, healthy lifestyle is the key to lose weight and keep it off.

Here's the Top 10 reasons how to do it:

10. Don't exercise.

9. Don't bother drinking water.

8. Drink alcohol, soda and fruit juice.

7. Grazing throughout your day.

6. Eat mostly carbs in your meal, especially sugary, refined carbs.

5. Ignore taking your vitamins or take them whenever convenient and if you remember.

4. Protein first? Eat protein after you eat your mostly carb-heavy meals only if there's room.

3. Don't bother keeping a food and exercise journal.

2. Don't get support either by a support group, online support, or your own weight loss coach.

And the number 1 way:

1. Thinking you are cured, your surgery will do all the work in maintaining your weight loss, and never have to be concerned about emotional eating or food issues ever again.

Losing weight is a process. We didn't gain our weight overnight and it won't come off overnight either. Keep this list and refer to it. You can maximize your weight loss and the rate that you lose. When we make the decision to have surgery and lose weight, we want it NOW.

Rather than focus strictly on the number on the scale, appreciate all the positive changes you're making. When you reach your desired weight, you will have experienced all sorts of little and big "wins" along the way. By following the Top 10, you'll no longer need a seat belt extender, you'll be able to zip up jackets, wear your jeans you haven't worn in years, you'll have more energy, you'll be able to participate in activities that would have exhausted you before, and many more that will be special and unique to you. Losing weight can be a wonderful adventure and journey with many wins along the way.

The process of losing weight is to change your habits. You need to discard the old habits that made you heavy in the first place and replace them with new, healthy habits. The above Top 10 are the best habits you can incorporate into your life. Habits are learned behaviors. Unhealthy habits caused us to become overweight or obese. You can relearn newHealth Fitness Articles, healthy habits that will allow you to lose weight and maintain it. I've never maintained any weight that I lost before. How did I do it? I did it by following the Top 10. You can too.

Cathy Wilson is a weight loss life coach. Cathy lost 147 pounds six years ago. Her passion is helping clients achieve their weight loss and life goals. Cathy works with clients to create a weight loss life plan that is customized to each client. Cathy is a member of the International Coaching Federation, International Association of Coaches, and Obesity Action Coalition. Visit Cathy's website: http://www.LoseWeightFindLife.com

Beyond Weight Loss: The Unexpected Benefits of hCG

HCG is quickly gaining recognition for its ability to help with weight loss. Although the hormone still has not been approved by the FDA for use as a weight loss product, many physicians are recommending it to their patients and weight loss clinics specializing in HCG weight loss treatments are becoming more common. In addition to helping people lose weight, however, many people utilizing this weight loss program are discovering that there are additional benefits as well.The Body Sculpting Benefits of HCG TreatmentsMany of the people that are using HCG to help them lose weight are finding that the hormone helps with the reshaping of their body’s as well. Unlike many weight loss programs that only help with losing weight, HCG appears to help contour the body and decrease the circumference of the body.

HCG also helps tone common problem areas, such as reducing the amount of fat deposited in double chins and getting rid of pot bellies. HCG also appears to help rejuvenate structural fat, which helps make the hands, neck, and face look refreshed.Individuals on the HCG diet are also supposed to follow a low calorie diet of only 500 calories per day. Without the help of HCG, a diet consisting of this few calories can results in a loss of muscle mass. Those on HCG, however, do not experience this side effect. In addition, the hormone appears to actually reduce the appetite, which makes it easier to adhere to the 500 calorie diet.The Health Benefits of the HCG DietObviously, shedding extra pounds will help improve the overall health of a person on the HCG diet. Researchers also believe that taking HCG helps to normalize the cholesterol levels of those on the diet. In addition, the hormone appears to help normalize the thyroid gland and balance the hormones while rebuilding the adrenaline glands.

The Emotional Benefits of the HCG DietPeople on the HCG diet also routinely report experiencing less irritability and generally feeling in a better mood. This lift in spirits seems to continue throughout the entire treatment period. Patients also report having more restful sleep, which may be partially responsible for the improved mood. Similarly, patients report feeling more energized while undergoing the therapy. This may be attributed to the improvement in sleep, the loss of excess weight, and the positive impact HCG has on the adrenaline glands.For many, just the weight loss benefits of HCG would be enough to make this hormone worth taking. With the additional benefits that the hormone appears to have, howeverFree Reprint Articles, it makes the HCG weight loss program that anyone looking to lose weight should consider.

Marion Goldsmith is the public relations director of HCG Medical, a medical hcg weight loss clinic located in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Marion is a former medical weight loss physician has written articles on a variety of topics, but currently focuses on HCG weight loss. Visit www.hcgmedical.com today!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Natural Weight Loss & Its Benefits

Natural weight loss is the safest and most effective method to lose weight. When we eat good quality foods our bodies will take their own natural course and lose weight. A healthy diet combined with a regular exercise

program is definitely the way to proceed.

Natural weight loss is a big subject today for many people who do not understand the principle of eating only the amount they need for the amount physical activity they perform; nevertheless how many people follow this advice. You would think it would immediately put all those specialist diet companies and the whole industry out of business but that is not the case; a third of overweight Americans and millions globally, would disagree with this advice. Natural weight loss is related to Absolutelythin.com. Our current best medication for appetite and hunger suppression is a form of combination therapy using 2 prescription medications. Natural weight loss is just plain hard to do. But, it is possible.

Natural weight loss is the perfect market for a profitable home based business and Saint Louis health products. Our natural products have many different uses, our natural products reduce cravings for successful weight loss. Natural weight loss is the best weight loss. Your probability of sustained weight loss is much greater with a completely drug free weight loss plan. Natural weight loss is the simple process of taking in less food and exercising more. This is the healthiest and cleanest way to lose weight.

Natural weight loss is the safest and most effective way at losing weight and helping you boost your health at the same time. A great way to start a weight loss program is to include natural weight loss supplements. Natural weight loss is especially important at the teenage years, as you are undergoing changes which can be stunted or dangerously accelerated without the proper fitness guidelines.

Dieting is most prevalent in western societies, so we would expect to see everyone getting thinner . No despite a vast dieting industry, the populations have been getting fatter and fatter! Dieting actually slows down your metabolic rate. For your body dieting is starvation, and it does not know how this starvation will last. Dietrine continues with this dedication though by providing the following free bonus offers with all paid offers.

Diet pills are not part of a healthy weigh loss program

and are never part of a natural weight loss plan. Most diet pills have very unhealthy side effects. Dietary Pills and weight-loss pills like Curvelle aren't subject to the same rigorous standards as are prescription drugs or over-the-counter medications. Thus, they can be sold with little proof of effectiveness or safety. Dieting is all about getting the weight off, then gaining it back in time. This is because the diets either have you crashing your system to avoid a lot of foods, or else they were not realistically designed for you to follow for the rest of your life.

Starting any natural weight loss program is an ongoing process, not an instantaneous, miracle cure.

Exercise and diet is a must: try to include it in your routine activities. You can go everywhere with a little will power. Exercise is another essential component for weight and fat loss; natural weight loss is improved by the addition of regular exercise, and of course, you will achieve much

better results than when dieting alone. Not only does exercise contribute to weight loss, rapid weight loss is also accompanied by reduced stress levels, an energy boost, increased body endurance, a reduced risk for diseases, and an overall improvement in the quality of life.

In this instance healthy refers to low in fat, salt and

sugar while including whole grainsFind Article, vegetable and fruit. There are a ton of fantastic healthy and delicious recipes out there that you can use. Healthy cooking requires just general cooking techniques. The following cooking methods will provide you best flavor and enable your food to retain all nutrients. Natural weight loss is very easy with the correct weight loss program.

Kathryn Soloff wrote a special report to help you lose weight. Get it here FREE=>"7 Steps To Lose Weight" Learn more about Natural Herbal Weight Loss here=> http://www.natural-remedy-dot-com.com/

Why Do We Regain Weight From Weight Loss Surgery?

Wouldn't it be nice to wake up and have your excess weight gone? Many people believe that weight loss surgery is similar to waking up thin. Some even consider that bariatric surgery is the "easy way out" to lose weight. Once the surgery is performed, the work begins to change your life by changing your unhealthy habits. Weight loss surgery success is yours by avoiding a few simple steps.

When having weight loss surgery, you commit yourself to certain nutrition and dietary requirements. You become committed to a healthy lifestyle with the habits that support your weight loss. Weight loss surgery is a tool to use but you must choose to use that tool.

After the early post-operative stage, you can regain weight or stall at a weight before your desired goal. Some of the reasons are familiar to many of us. To maximize your weight loss surgery success, here are some unhealthy behaviors to avoid:

* Testing old habits. After we've had surgery and lost excess weight, we feel great and look great. We think that maybe, just maybe, we can return to some of our old habits. We test once, twice, and before you know it, that old habit has crept into our lives again. The result can be weight regain or a weight loss stall. If you return to the old habits that made you heavy in the first place, you'll run the risk of becoming heavy again. Creating new healthy habits that replace the old habits is a big step to ensure your weight loss success is permanent.

* Grazing. Grazing is quite possibly the main cause of weight regain from bariatric surgery. After you've had surgery, you can out eat the procedure. Grazing is the mindless, hand to mouth type of eating. It is nibbling a little bit for long periods of time. You aren't full but continually eating. Grazing is for cows on a pasture, not successful bariatric post-ops.

* I'm cured syndrome. You're not. Weight loss surgery does not provide protection for never gaining weight again. Weight loss surgery doesn't give you a permanent state of goal weight and maintenance. To maintain your weight loss, along with the habits that allow you to lose weight, are reflective of the choices you make every day. Don't get into a false sense of security that you can eat whatever you'd like and keep your weight off from surgery.

* Stop exercising. Once you've lost your weight, you're done, right? No. The habit of exercising allowed you to lose weight and it continues to allow you to maintain your weight loss. The exercise that you did to become successful, will continue your success.

Bariatric surgery, or weight loss surgery, is a fabulous tool for losing weight, maintaining weight loss, and allows someone that is morbidly obese to achieve a second chance at regaining health. You can have a beautiful, expensive hammer that sits in your toolbox. Your impressive hammer doesn't do much on its own without you using it. The same applies to weight loss surgery. It is a very effective tool when we choose to use it in our lifestyle changes and choices.

Success with weight loss surgery is very possible for the short-term and long-term. Weight loss surgery doesn't guarantee success; you guarantee your success through your choices and healthy lifestyle. Enjoy your success, you deserve it.

Cathy Wilson is a weight loss life coach. Cathy lost 147 pounds six years ago. Her passion is helping clients achieve their weight loss and life goals. Cathy works with clients to create a weight loss life plan that is customized to each client. Cathy is a member of the International Coaching Federation, International Association of Coaches, and Obesity Action Coalition. Visit Cathy's website: http://www.LoseWeightFindLife.com

Weight Control Diet & Exercise - Weight Loss's Little Known

So you've lost some weight, eh? So what! I don't mean to be harsh, but if you've lost some weight recently and have already started to pat yourself of the back, watch out. Because more often than not, people who lose weight gain it back and then some...and that is a disturbing fact about weight loss.

How and why does this happen? I'm going to tell you exactly what you need to know to keep the fat off once you've lost it. This is a piece of the weight loss puzzle that many people don't pay much attention to. And it's called weight control. Or as I like to call it, weight loss's big brother.

If you've ever lost weight before, chances are you've gained it back. And before you knew it, you were even heavier than before you started that weight loss diet or exercise program. All of that hard work and restrictive dieting with nothing to show for it. It's enough to drive a person right to the donut shop! Take it easy, there's a reason that this happens so frequently to those trying to lose weight around the world, and there's also a simple answer to ensure it doesn't happen to you again.

There are basically two reasons why most people who've lost weight put it right back on. The primary reason is that most people who lose weight lose it because of following a diet. That's right, simply trying to adhere to a popular fad diet plan can actually prove counterproductive. Why?

Most diets, especially the popular ones, are simply overly restrictive ways of controlling your calorie intake. They typically call for deleting various essential foods from your daily eating habits, and almost always included severe calorie reduction.

These typical diet components can create fast weight loss to be sure, as you're taking in less calories than you're expending each day. But, no one in their right mind, or body, will stay on most popular diets for very long. They are not normal and your body is well aware of this. Once we go off the diet that created the quick weight loss and revert back to our old habits (including the increased calories) we gain the weight back, and fast. Surprise, surprise.

We also add a little extra weight when coming off of that diet because our bodies are trying to overcompensate for the deprivation that was at hand during the dieting period. It makes perfect sense, doesn't it? This calls to attention the second reason we gain our weight back, and more, after going off of a diet. You body doesn't want to be deprived of certain food types. I'm talking about nutrient rich foods that our bodies were designed to thrive on, including quality whole grain based carbohydrates.

Perfect evidence of this are the tens of thousands (several of my own acquaintances included) who have become low carbohydrate yo-yo dieters. They lose 10-20 pounds seemingly overnight, but when their bodies can no longer withstand the deprivation, they resort back to their old eating habits and bodies.

It should be obvious that this method of weight loss (typical fad dieting) is ineffective, because it doesn't last. What is essential for permanent weight loss is not a weight loss diet, but a proper weight control diet combined with the right exercise program. These are two very different things.

I'm talking about a lifestyle change, where you adopt healthy eating and exercise habits into your life. This is the only true path to permanent fat loss.

This can be accomplished on the diet side of things by:

-Eating smaller meals more frequently

-Counting portions instead of worrying about exact calories

-Focusing on plant based foods like fruits and vegetables

-Drinking plenty of water throughout the day (64oz. minimum)

Taking this a step further, you can combine this healthy eating lifestyle with proper exercise to create a perpetual fat burning furnace in your body that continues to mobilize your stored body fat for energy 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Now this is true weight control, where you're literally burning fat while sleeping.

You'd be wise to heed this exercise advice when creating this weight control diet and exercise lifestyle:

-Ignore long and frequent cardio workouts. They actually encourage your body to store fat.

-Incorporate high intensity resistance training 2-3 times per week for about 15-25 minutes per session. You'll be building lean muscle and teaching your body to ignore fat as an energy source...the exact opposite of traditional cardio workouts.

When you make these changes in your life, you're no longer dieting. You're no longer restricting the body of the nutrients it needs to succeed and as a result you lose weight naturally. You've created you own weight control dietComputer Technology Articles, but it's not really a diet at all!

Can you see how this will make a huge difference in your health and fitness and put an end to the lose some/gain more madness experienced by masses of dieters around the world today?

Getting that lean and healthy body can be as simple as saying no to dieting and saying hello to a healthy eating lifestyle you can call your own. Now that is something that any big brother would be proud of.

Rob Poulos is an internationally recognized fat loss and fitness expert, author, and creator of the popular Fat Burning Furnace system. He continues to help thousands get and stay lean, strong, and healthy without fad diets or cardio. To learn more and grab your copy of Rob's fat loss and fitness gifts, click here => Weight control diet program

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The Eat-Clean Diet: Fast Fat-Loss that lasts Forever!

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With The Eat-Clean Diet, the diet that fitness professionals rely on, readers will transform themselves from sluggish, exhausted and overweight to energetic, lean and fabulous! Just like the author and cover girl Tosca Reno did when she was sixty pounds overweight, readers will discover how to make their bodies burn fat while eating tons of food. We've all seen the fitness professionals on the covers of magazines and wished we could look like them.

The truth is, they are real people. Just like you, they had to figure out how to get their bodies to look like that. And they all came to the same conclusion: Eat Clean! So who better to write a book on the subject than formerly overweight fitness diva and mother of three, Tosca Reno? Tosca shows you how to lose over sixty pounds, like she did, or just that last ten. When you read The Eat-Clean Diet you will: Rev up your metabolism to burn more fat -faster!; Lose weight quickly and easily; Never go hungry; Eat all food groups: protein and carbs and fat; Eat five to seven meals a day; Receive Eat-Clean recipes with color photos; Have more energy than you ever dreamed possible; Stay lean forever never worry about dieting again!
View detail at Amazon.

The Eat-Clean Diet: Fast Fat-Loss that lasts Forever!

The Eat-Clean Diet Fast Fat-Loss that lasts Forever, loss weight, weight lose, weight loss program books
With The Eat-Clean Diet, the diet that fitness professionals rely on, readers will transform themselves from sluggish, exhausted and overweight to energetic, lean and fabulous! Just like the author and cover girl Tosca Reno did when she was sixty pounds overweight, readers will discover how to make their bodies burn fat while eating tons of food. We've all seen the fitness professionals on the covers of magazines and wished we could look like them.

The truth is, they are real people. Just like you, they had to figure out how to get their bodies to look like that. And they all came to the same conclusion: Eat Clean! So who better to write a book on the subject than formerly overweight fitness diva and mother of three, Tosca Reno? Tosca shows you how to lose over sixty pounds, like she did, or just that last ten. When you read The Eat-Clean Diet you will: Rev up your metabolism to burn more fat -faster!; Lose weight quickly and easily; Never go hungry; Eat all food groups: protein and carbs and fat; Eat five to seven meals a day; Receive Eat-Clean recipes with color photos; Have more energy than you ever dreamed possible; Stay lean forever never worry about dieting again!
View detail at Amazon.

Monday, May 19, 2008

The Beck Diet Solution: Train Your Brain to Think Like a Thin Person

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Any sensible diet will help you lose weight, but the challenge for 90% of Americans is actually staying on the diet they choose.Enter Dr. Judith Beck and The Beck Diet Solution.Dr. Beck, one of the foremost authorities in the field of Cognitive Therapy, has created a four-week plan that will help people stick with their diet, lose weight with confidence, and keep weight off for a lifetime.

This program is not only based on the authors personal success and on her success with her many clients, but also on published research. It all starts with how you think. With other programs, you think about nothing but food: counting, weighing, and worst of all, food you cant have. This way of thinking inevitably contributes to diet failure. The Beck Diet Solution is the only program that helps dieters use Cognitive Therapy methods scientifically proven over 20 yearsto forever change those treacherous thought patterns that lead to overeating, cheating, excuses, and other dieting downfalls. View detail at Amazon.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

You: On A Diet: The Owner's Manual for Waist Management

You On A Diet The Owners Manual for Waist Management,Read Weight Loss Articles And The Latest Information On Dieting. Fast weight loss tips, find quick weight loss programs. Ways for teens to quick weight loss, safe weight loss surgery guide.
Book Description
For the first time in our history, scientists are uncovering astounding medical evidence about dieting--and why so many of us struggle with our weight and the size of our waists. Now researchers are unraveling biological secrets about such things as why you crave chocolate or gorge at buffets or store so much fat.

Michael Roizen and Mehmet Oz, America's most trusted doctor team and authors of the bestselling YOU series, are now translating this cutting-edge information to help you shave inches off your waist. They're going to do it by giving you the best weapon against fat: knowledge. By understanding how your body's fat-storing and fat-burning systems work, you're going to learn how to crack the code on true and lifelong waist management.

Roizen and Oz will invigorate you with equal parts information, motivation, and change-your-life action to show you how your brain, stomach, hormones, muscles, heart, genetics, and stress levels all interact biologically to determine if your body is the size of a baseball bat or of a baseball stadium. In YOU: On a Diet, Roizen and Oz will redefine what a healthy figure is, then take you through an under-the skin tour of the organs that influence your body's size and its health. You'll even be convinced that the key number to fixate on is not your weight, but your waist size, which best indicates the medical risks of storing too much fat.

Because the world has almost as many diet plans as it has e-mail spammers, you'd think that just about all of us would know everything there is to know about dieting, about fat, and about the reasons why our bellies have grown so large. YOU: On a Diet is much more than a diet plan or a series of instructions and guidelines or a faddish berries-only eating plan. It's a complete manual for waist management. It will show you how to achieve and maintain an ideal and healthy body size by providing a lexicon according to which any weight-loss system can be explained. YOU: On a Diet will serve as the operating system that facilitates future evolution in our dieting software. After you learn about the biology of your body and the biology and psychology of fat, you'll be given the YOU Diet and YOU Workout. Both are easy to learn, follow, and maintain. Following a two-week rebooting program will help you lose up to two inches from your waist right from the start.

With Roizen and Oz's signature accessibility, wit, and humor, YOU: On a Diet--The Owner's Manual for Waist Management will revolutionize the way you think about yourself and the food you consume, so that you'll diet smart, not hard. Welcome to your body on a diet. View detail at Amazon.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Exercises To Burn Fat Like Crazy

Exercises to burn fat are actually those which shift calories the most. To do this effectively, you need to move the body quite quickly and repeatedly. So the best types of exercises to burn fat are cardio (or cardiovascular) exercises, which are those that exercise the heart and lungs.

Even within the realms of cardio exercises to burn fat, there are two ways in which you can approach your workout. You can either work long and slow, or you could take the faster option, which is more dynamic and of higher intensity, but of shorter duration. If you have weaker joints then the former is probably the best for you.

The second consideration is to what equipment you have access to. If you belong to a gym, then I expect that you are spoiled for choice. Any of the following could provide the basis of a good cardio workout.

Bicycling - This could be in or outdoors of course, but a bicycle can provide an excellent cardio exercise. The actual level of fat burn will depend on factors such as resistance and speed but it is possible to burn up to 500 calories in 30 minutes on a bike.

An elliptical trainer - provides a great cardiovascular exercise. An average person can burn about 300 calories in 30 minutes.

Rowing provides both a cardio workout and a good exercise to your arms. Once again, an average person can burn about 300 calories in 30 minutes.

Cross-Country Skiing - (either on a machine or outdoors of course), is an incredible cardiovascular exercise because it utilises the whole body. An average person could burn approx 330 calories in half an hour.

As you can see from the examples given, with the right equipmentBusiness Management Articles, exercises to burn fat can be very effective in the fight to lose weight safely and sustainably.

Charlie Cory is a retired sportsman and online entrepenuer. He still has a keen interest in sport and fitness in general. He now writes for web sites and blogs.

Find exercises to burn fat like crazy as well as some other great weight loss tips.

7 Reasons for Being Overweight

Reasons of being overweight:
1. Your life is constant motion.You don't get enough sleep, you eat sandwiches at work, and your main meal is late at night or even in the night.The disorders in nutrition behaviour will undoubtedly lead to the appearance of overweight. Try to have an abundant breakfast, and to take light food in the evenings, basically consisting of fast absorbing carbohydrates.Chronic insufficient sleep also disturbs the production of digestive ferments.

2. You are all day long on your desk, in the other time you don't get out of your car, and you spend the evenings in bed before the TV.The lack of enough motion (hypodynamia) is a process at which organism doesn't have a reason to spend the absorbed calories. The result is one and simple – increase of the physical loading, which will contribute to activation of the metabolism and the sympathetic nervous system (it is responsible for the weight loss). Even if you dance or swim (i. e. non – force exercises) you will without any problem gradually lose the accumulated fats.

3. You go through a difficult moment in your life and you have only one joy – in spite of all to eat to satiety and to lie in bed.It has been ascertained that 30 % of people get fat “due to stress”, in condition of depression. Sometimes the voracious appetite and gaining weight are the only signs of a psychic disease. In this case you need mostly correct psychotherapy and medicines which to remove the anxiety and to improve your mood.

4. Overproduction of hormones.You notice that your face has become rounder, your cheeks have acquired red nuance, and more hair grows on your body. High blood pressure upsets you. At women the menstrual cycle is often disturbed, and men suffer from reduced potency.This happens at greater production of hormones of the adrenal glands(glucocorticoids). The reason can be the presence of some infection or malign formation in the adrenal glands, illness of some part of the brain (pituitary gland or hypothalamus) or taking of medicines containing glucocorticoids (they are most often prescribed at rheumatism or inflammations).

5. You suffer from a chronic disease – of kidneys, cardiovascular system, or you have problems with the digestive organs.You retain liquids in your body. They are externally expressed when their amount exceeds 5 liters. In this way your body mass increases with 5 – 7%. This illness has to be treated obligatorily.

6. Gaining weight is combined with skin itching, frequent urinating, deteriorated vision, thirst.These are the typical signs of diabetes of 2 type. You have to search for assistance of an endocrinologist to make yourselves a blood analysis and to test your pancreas.

7. You go through the so called hormonal stress – pregnancy, climax, puberty.During those periods your organism makes an adjustment and related hesitations in weight. It is considered that it is most difficult to lose the excess weight, accumulated during the last two months of pregnancy

On his blog you can find more information on healthy lifestyle, weight lossArticle Submission, overweight and obesity.

Knowing About Slimming Capsules

Many such sites are also available which help in online transactions of these capsules. One of the main website is kmlida is doing great business in this field.

• These capsules help in reducing around 30 lbs weight in just no time. Some of the world's famous capsules like Lida DaiDaihua are the best slimming formula available in today's time.
• Many yearly researches and experiments result in the production of these kinds of capsules.
• First of all the main drug had to be purified from the core and had to be molded into the useful compound which could serve the mankind.
• After that these drugs and slimming capsules had to be approved by many law federation and inspection and testing companies so that there could be no side effects of these capsules and people could only avail benefit from them.
• These slimming capsules help in reducing and suppressing the appetite by affecting the body digestive system and hence reducing the fat of the body.
• They also help in removing the body excess fat by melting them as done by sauna machines and hence make you slimmer and look good.
• It is always advised to have a one pill a day and within a month one can watch the desired results. These slimming capsules are very effectiveBusiness Management Articles, simple and fast way to lose the weight and amazing difference can be seen.
• Good news is that these capsules are suited to both men and women.Now let us see how these slimming capsule work on the body:
1.) These capsules speed up the metabolism of the body by restraining the re-ingestion of adrenalin B3 receptor. It reduces the brown fat tissue energy of the body and help in reducing the appetite. These capsules can help in speeding up the metabolic process 18 times more. This is the key factor of such products that they burn the extra fat of the body by the production from the body itself.
2.) It contains the B3 receptors which are the most elusive and interesting part of the adrenergic receptors.


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Setting Goals for Your Weight Loss

You may be pleasantly surprised to see how much motion there is in your day. On the other hand, you may see that most of your activity takes place on weekends. You may see slots on other days where you could fit in some more activity.To get a full picture of your daily calorie burn, add your BMR (basal metabolic rate) to the number of calories burned by activities.A sample activity diary can be found on the next page. Make one like this in your weight-loss notebook for the entire week. Leave space on the last day for your total weekly calorie expenditure. In our sample, the number of calories burned for each exercise session assumes that the diarist is a somewhat active 160-pound male.

To find the number of calories you have burned in a given activity, use one of the online activity calculators, or "burn barometers." As with your food diary, there is space to write your comments. Write in anything that will give you clues about how and where to fit activity into your day.Were you tired when you began, but more energetic afterward? Maybe exercising after work is a way to add hours to your day.Did you burn more calories when you exercised with a friend or went to a class than you did when you worked out alone?Are you more likely to exercise at home or as part of some organized activity? Try to plan your exercise to take advantage of this.Keeping focusedA Casual Intention to eat more wisely, exercise more frequently, and drop some pounds is unlikely to be successful. Nor is promising yourself that you'll lose 10 pounds, by hook or by crook, in time for next months high school reunion.

You need a plan and the firm resolve to follow it. It has to be realistic. Like it or not, 10 pounds in a month is not realistic unless you're willing to gain it all back.The best way to stay focused is to set both short-and long-term goals.When you set short- and long­term goals, a single failure to reach a short-term goal is far less discouraging. You can revise your plan without throwing it all out the window. And when you succeed in reaching one of your milestones, you will feel all the more motivated to keep going to the next one.Be realisticA realistic short-term goal is to add 15 minutes of exercise to your day. Another one might be to ban snacking between dinner and bedtime. If you have been gaining weight, a reasonable short-term goal is to stop that gain in its tracks.If you want (or need) to lose a specific number of pounds, you also want to be sure to keep them off. Depending on how much you plan to lose, stretch that loss over 6 month to a year. That's your long-term goal.You will probably shed the first few pounds quickly, and then see a slowdown as you reach a weight-loss plateau.

We've spoken about the reasons for the plateau and what to do about it. For now, you should build the plateau into your expectations.If you want to lose 10 pounds over 6 months, for example, you might set a goal of a pound a week for the first month and then a pound every 2 weeks for the next two months. In the last 3 months the remaining 2 pounds will come off slowly and you will be concentrating on weight maintenance and solidifying your modified behavior. These are all short-term goals.It would be realistic to try a similar pattern with 20 pounds, but to lose more than that you should take at least a year. If this sounds slow, it is.I cannot emphasize strongly enough that quick weight loss leads to quicker weight gain.It takes time to replace bad habits with good ones. Fad diets tinker with your body chemistry. Highly restricted diets are short-term solutions to a long-term problem. You cannot sustain these diets over the long haul.Eating sensibly and exercising regularly are lifetime decisions. And their benefits are long lasting.

But if you want to lose weight quickly then go for weight loss pills. Also you can buy diet pills and ephedra diet pills.

Why Does Weight Loss Slow Up?

Typically, you start out on a diet filled with determination. Your efforts payoff almost immediately as you rapidly drop a few pounds. And then, a few weeks to a month into your diet, the weight loss slows or even grinds to a halt.You have probably heard many explanations for this phenomenon: "The initial weight loss was just water." "The last pounds on are the first pounds off." "You now weigh as much as nature intended." And more.

The set pointSome theorists say every individual has a personal metabolic rate that maintains a given weight, regardless of caloric intake. That personal "ideal" weight, called the set point, is thought to be predetermined by the hypothalamus, an area deep in the brain.Although the set point theory is based on scientific fact, the mechanism involved is still not fully understood. It has also been oversimplified and often distorted by people promoting a particular diet.If the set point were really as simple as it sounds, gaining weight would be as difficult as losing it.

And we all know that isn't true.At the heart of the set point theory and of the plateau phenomenon is your body's response to calorie restriction. It may be the new millennium, but the human body responds to outside stimuli the same way it did when we were hunting the woolly mammoth. In the face of danger, it secretes extra adrenaline to trigger the "fight or flight" instinct. And in the face of food shortages, it slows down" metabolism to protect against starvation during the coming "famine.

You've lost those first few pounds because you're eating less than you need and your body has drawn on your emergency fat stores to up the difference. It "knows" that once all the glycogen and fat are gone, it will have to start on your muscles, and that would be a disaster. (Muscle wasting is seen in victims of starvation.) You may be far from depleting all of your fat, but your body has no way of how long this "famine" will last, so it plans ahead. It makes your body a knowing efficient energy consumer to preserve the fat you have on deposit. Thanks a lot! if you reduse your calorie intake even further, you may lose a bit more weight, but it will be hard going and gradually your body will adjust to the new calorie ration and slow down even more. This is a real low point in any weight-loss diet, and it's the people give up.You have no energy, you're hungry; you feel deprived, and you don't seem to be losing any weight. A hot fudge sundae starts looking awfully attractive right about now. Luckily, there's a simple way to "fool" your body and jump off that plateau.

You already know what it is, don't you?Boost your activity level, and you will boost your metabolism.Add a few minutes to your daily workout, up the intensity, and before you know it, you'll be losing pounds again. As I've already said, you get a double bonus when you do thisBusiness Management Articles, since the extra activity will burn calories at the same time it revs up your metabolism.

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Read out for 1800 calorie diet plans. Check out stress & weight gain and lose weight group.

Weight Loss - Snacks That Keep Weight Off

Nuts are high in protein, fiber and essential nutrients such as folic acid, potassium, magnesium, selenium and healthy monounsaturated fatty acids. Nuts, Particularly walnuts and almonds, have been shown in numerous studies to help prevent heart disease. A one-ounce serving of nuts either alone or combined with a small box of raisins, is an excellent way to boost your energy level and satisfy your appetite for many hours.Popcorn is a great high fiber, low calorie, low fat snack that's easy to make anywhere.

The hot-air popcorn-popper ensures a virtually fat-free, high fiber snack; however, the non or low fat microwaveable varieties are also great, as long as you check to see that the butter or fat content is not too high. Popcorn can be mixed with peanuts, raisins, apple slices and other fruits for variety. You can even bake your popcorn with cinnamon, peanut butter, raisins, ftuit, Pannesan cheese and even garlic.A plastic baggie of your favorite dry high fiber, whole grain cereal, makes an excellent transportable nutritious snack to take with you anywhere.

The addition of some dried ftuit to your travel cereal pack can add flavor and nutrition to your weight control snack. Even the varieties of cereals that are lightly sweetened are great diet snacks provided they're high fiber, whole grain, low sugar and low fat cereals. Check the ingredients label to make sure that there are no more than 1.5 grams of total fat and no more than 8 grams of sugar. Also make sure the cereal has at least 5 grams or more of dietary fiber. There's no need to check the amount of carbohydrates in thecereal, since as we've seen in the section on carbsFree Reprint Articles, counting carbs is bogus. It has nothing whatsoever to do with weight loss.

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Read out for How to lose weight. Check out supplements for losing weight and 8 mistakes not to make for losing weight.

Lose Weight Sleeping More

3 Reasons Why You Can Lose Weight Sleeping More.

1. A lack of sleep is stressful on the body. This causes the body to release a catabolic or muscle wasting hormone, cortisol. Now increased cortisol levels result in the body losing muscle. This leads to a slower metabolism and makes weight loss a hell of a lot harder.

2. Our growth hormone levels are elevated during sleep. Increased Growth hormone levels actually make our body want to build muscle and lose fat.

What is also great is that high levels of growth hormone actually makes our body do its best to keep fat from building on our bodies, no matter how much we eat.

So then we obviously want to get enough sleep to take full advantage and maximise our results.

3. Strength training is the best way to speed up our metabolism. This is because the more muscle we have, the faster our metabolism will be.

Now what many don’t realise is that muscles don’t grow in the gym. Once they are stimulated they need plenty of rest, recovery and food.

Now sleeping is the absolute best way to speed up your recovery. Cutting out sleep cuts into your muscles recovery time, and hence leads to sub optimal results.

Obviously you aren’t going to lose weight by simply sleeping more. HoweverComputer Technology Articles, getting enough sleep can drastically speed up your results. Strive for at least 8 hours a night.

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Did you find this information helpful? For more weight loss tips, and a free ebook outlining how you can lose weight eating absolutely anything you want check out http://www.lukesfatlosstips.com

How To Stimulate Growth Hormone Naturally

To experience these wonderful benefits, there is no need to take dangerous or expensive supplements. There are a few things that you can do to boost your growth hormone levels naturally.

6 Tips To Stimulate Growth Hormone Naturally

1. Get At Least 8 Hours of Sleep a Night.

Growth hormone levels are elevated during sleep. Getting more sleep is a great way to speed up your muscle gain/fat loss progress.

A lack of sleep not only results in a decrease in growth hormone production, it increases a muscle wasting hormone called cortisol. This hormone actually destroys our muscle!

2. Perform Strength Training

Strength training is proven to be more efficient at stimulating the release of growth hormone more than any other form of exercise.

3. Perform the Big Lifts

When in the gym, it is best to focus on the big lifts. Exercises such as squats, lunges, deadlifts, bench press, chin ups and dips are the most efficient exercises at boosting our growth hormone levels.

4. Short Intense Cardio

Doing brief, intense cardio sessions are a great way to increase our growth hormone levels. They are far superior to longer, lower intensity exercises such as jogging.

5. Get Out Of Breath

Whether it is your strength workouts or your cardio, you want to push to the point where you are gasping for air. The build up of lactic acid and the out of breath feeling, are good indicators your training will boost your growth hormone levels.

6. Wait a While After Training Before Eating

You want to wait an hour or 2 before eating anything after a workout. This is because our growth hormone levels are elevated after a workout.

If we eat during this time, we risk increasing our insulin levels. This will automatically decrease our growth hormone levels. This is because growth hormone and insulin don’t work well together. If one is highFeature Articles, the other will be low.

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For more fat loss tips, as well as a free ebook outlining how you can lose fat eating absolutely anything you want check out http://www.lukesfatlosstips.com

Fat Loss-What is Fat Loss? And Why?

Fat loss is believed to be increased by avoiding food at a time when activity levels will below (and the body will not be burning many calories), when glycogen may be topped off from a full day of eating, and when insulin sensitivity is lower. The potential benefit is high, but so is the risk. Fat loss is simple, but doesn't always happen the way people want it to. Sometimes you will lose 4 pounds a week and sometimes a ? of pound. Fat loss is all about calorie reduction, but a calorie intake that is too low will cause problems.

Fat loss is also believed to be increased by avoiding food at a time when activity levels will be low (and the body will not be burning many calories), when glycogen may be topped off from a full day of eating, and when insulin sensitivity is lower. The potential benefit is high, but so is the risk. Fat loss is simple, but doesn’t always happen as people want it to. Sometimes you will lose 4 pounds a week and sometimes less than a pound in a weeks time. Fat loss is all about calorie reduction, but a calorie intake that is too low could possibly cause problems.

Fat loss is usually limited to the face, trunk, and upper extremities. Simultaneously, fat

hypertrophy occurs in the lower extremities of the body.

Eating more calories than you use equals gaining fat. Eating fiber reduces food passage time and can assist in fat loss. If you are confused, then get a packet of prunes and have some during the day. Eat slowly enjoy, chew your food properly and stop when you aren’t hungry any more. You’ll soon find that you will be enjoying your favorite foods and your skinny jeans at the same time.

Make sure to eat plenty of proteins, 25% to 30% good fats, and the rest as carbs. Let’s say you start at 70 kgs, and during the bulking up phase, you finish at 75 kgs. Eating too many calories equals gaining fat. Now if you take a pizza and you load that thing up with triple cheese and sausage and pepperoni and olives and just stack the calories in there, then you have a very calorie-dense food. Eating the right foods at the right times helps your body to burn calories versus storing them as fat. The way this works is that every time you eat something your brain tells your body to either release fat burning hormones or fat storage hormones.

Grab your food from the outer edges of the supermarket (I mean the deli and the produce section) as often as you can. You will find it easier lose tons of weight just eating cleaner. Eating less and exercising more will decrease your resting metabolic rate. This metabolic rate accounts for roughly 60-80 percent of daily calorie expenditure. Eat larger portions in the morning and smaller portions at nighttime. Eat like you are a King at breakfast, a Prince at lunch and a Pauper at dinner.

Exercise should definitely be a part of your fat loss program - however vigorously exercising a specific body part will not have any influence on local fat in that area. Exercise is what creates the enzymes that are essential for breaking down the stored fat into fatty acids. This fatty acid is transferred to the metabolically active muscle tissue and is burned as energy. Exercise has a very important role to play in reducing a persons relative body fat. However, this role is misunderstood by most, including the vast majority of so called fitness professionals.

Exercise has so many advantages over dieting. In addition to all the health, energy, and

mood-enhancing benefits, exercise also preserves your lean body mass (muscle), and boosts your metabolism (BMR) putting it to work for you rather than against you. Exercise is the best remedy, and is considered one the best ways to burn off excess body fat. One of the most productive exercises is doing interval training (example: walking outside, find an incline and challenge yourself to run up it for 60 seconds, then walk down for 60 to 120 seconds. Repeat up to six times, or walking on a treadmill, adjust the incline or speed to challenge yourself for 60 secondsHealth Fitness Articles, then return to a normal pace for 60 to 120 seconds. Repeat up to six times).

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Healthy Breakfast: The Most Vital Meal of the Day

Almost everyone wishes to stay healthy and live healthy. However living a healthy life requires major effort on your part. You will need to diet, you will need to exercise, and you will need to look out for yourself in order to be healthy. However, there is one thing that you can do that will contribute greatly to your health. That one thing is eating a healthy breakfast every day of your life, to start the day. It is essential for weight loss as well as for staying fit.

Most people unfortunately skip breakfast for sake of weight loss and sometimes to save time on their way to work. Actually, this is one of the worst things that you can do to your body. A research done by scientists indicated that when the body doesn’t start with a healthy breakfast, the metabolic rate will drop down considerably and thus this will also cause a spike in your blood sugar levels. This will also cause you to eat bigger meals and unhealthy snacks during the day and because your metabolism has reduced itself in the morning, you will be able to burn less calories. Thus, you will not only gain weight, but your body will also be thrown in an imbalance when you don’t eat breakfast.

However, eating breakfast will solve your problems greatly as your body will feel full and satisfied. Your metabolic rate will increase along with thermo genesis (the rate of energy burning by your body). Your blood sugar levels will balance out and you will not feel the craving for extra snacks and foods for 4-5 hours.In any case, you should take care to eat a healthy breakfast. However, it will need to be balanced in order to be healthy. This means that a huge plate of scrambled eggs and lots of bacon is out of the picture. You should take care to eat things like fibers, proteins, and in general nutritious food. Here is a list of things that you can eat in order to make a health breakfast. In total, what you eat for breakfast should not be more than 2 or 3 servings
1. A bowl of cereal (whole grain).
2. A bowl of oatmeal.
3. An apple or an orange (or apple juice or orange juice).
4. Hardboiled egg (don’t fry them for health and weight loss purposes).
5. Skimmed Milk.
6. Low fat cheese.
7. Brown bread - toasted (never eat white bread).
8. Walnuts, pecans and any nuts in general. 9
. Any raw vegetables like carrots, tomatoes, peppers etc.
10. A low fat protein shake or a nutrition shake.
11. A cup of tea with no sugar.

As you can see, a healthy breakfast is comprised of healthy food. Eating a balanced breakfast will also help you in your quest for losing weight. It will restore the balance of your body, so that you will not feel the need to eat snacks or huge meals during the day. Moreover, you will also feel better during the dayArticle Search, compared to people who skip breakfast.

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Gary Grewal is the founder of http://www.101weightloss.com; a site featuring many articles on weight loss diets, pills, eating right, exercises etc. Visit his site for many more tips on weight loss.